Refuge is almost full:
There have been a number of move-ons recently, but as soon as any flat becomes available (which might mean staff do the decorating!)
there is another family waiting for safety. Friends of the Refuge help towards removal expenses often at very short notice.
We do what we can to make life simple!

Friends of the Refuge
Need some help. We are a small committee with meetings about every 8 weeks to plan activities which will ensure our funds are available.
Do you have time and a heart to help others?
Committee sounds very serious, but we aren’t – we meet over coffee/tea, include at least one staff member and work cooperatively.
It would be so good to have a chat and see if you would like to join us. Please do make contact with me by email.
Thank you

If you would like to be notified of events in support of the Refuge please email 
We hope to celebrate 25 years of The Friends in 2025 – watch this space!