The North Dorset Women’s Refuge is run by the You Trust/Paragon. Further details are available under the Refuge Support tab and on their website.
The charity Friends of North Dorset Women’s Refuge (FNDWR) was founded in 2000 with the aim to support the residents and their children at the refuge to make their lives a little better. To achieve this support we ask for financial donations to enable us to regularly provide:
- Bedding
- Cutlery and crockery
- Fresh fruit
- Relocation cost support when families go into permanent accommodation
- Funds for outings and parties
In addition, when donations allow, we try to help with one off items at the refuge which over the last few years have included

- Computers and training room set up
- Playroom equipment
- Curtains
- Televisions
- Microwaves and toasters
We work closely with everyone at the YouTrust/Paragon to help where we can with the essential support they provide to those at the refuge when it is most needed.
We are supported by the following organisations:
- Linus Quilts
- Local branches of The Women’s Institute
- Local PCCs
- Sherborne Abbey
- The Trefoil Guild
- The MacDougall Trust
- Virginia Hayward Hampers
Our dream is that in every community in North Dorset there will be a ‘Champion’ for the Friends who will raise money, encourage people to learn more and generally support the wonderful work done in the very special place – North Dorset Women’s Refuge.